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Win A MAXXHAUL 50149 Folding Aluminum Cargo Carrier!

Stand a chance to win this awesome cargo carrier in time for your next camping or road-tripping adventure by following one of our socials and answering a simple question. Hint: The answer can be found here.

  1. Follow us on Instagram or Twitter.
  2. Answer the question:

How Much Can The Larger Maxxhaul 70422 Carry?

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Our Terms and Conditions

  • You must be of legal age to take part in this giveaway.
  • This giveaway is only open to the US and Canada.
  • Only one entry per person is allowed.
  • We are not responsible, or liable, for any lost shipments.
  • We are not responsible if your prize is damaged.
  • We reserve all rights to make changes to this giveaway.